1 July 2015
Evonik expands market positions in C4 products
Port Of Antwerp →
Marl Chemical Park →
Evonik Industries has strengthened its leading position in C4-based products and has successfully, and on time, put into operation new production plants in Antwerp (Belgium). Also in the Marl Chemi...
11 September 2014
BASF starts up butadiene extraction plant in Antwerp
Port Of Antwerp →
Production capacity of 155,000 metric tons per year. Securing BASF’s internal supply of butadiene in Europe.
Taking advantage of opportunities on the external market and strengthening of Antwerp V...
11 January 2013
Evonik expands its market position for C4-based products
Port Of Antwerp →
Marl Chemical Park →
Expansion of 1-butene capacity in Marl by 75,000 tons
Expansion of butadiene production in Antwerp, Belgium, by 100,000 tons
Expansion of MTBE capacity in Marl and Antwerp by a total of 150,0...
4 July 2012
BASF to build butadiene extraction plant in Antwerp
Port Of Antwerp →
BASF plans to build a butadiene extraction plant at its Verbund site in Antwerp, Belgium. The plant will have an annual production capacity of 155,000 metric tons and is scheduled to start up durin...