BASF SE, Ludwigshafen
About BASF SE, Ludwigshafen
With an area of approximately ten square kilometres the Ludwigshafen Verbund site is the world’s largest integrated chemical complex. As the headquarters of BASF, it is also the cradle of the Verbund concept, where production facilities, energy flows and logistics are networked together intelligently. This integration leads to efficient value-adding chains from basic chemicals to highly sophisticated products. The backbone of the Ludwigshafen production Verbund is a dense network of around 200 production plants that are connected to each other by over 2,850 kilometers of pipelines and more than 230 kilometers of rail track. At BASF’s Ludwigshafen site, some 8,000 sales products are produced with a total volume of 8.5 million metric tons per year from just a few raw materials, such as naphtha, rock salt and sulfur. The site also serves as a technology platform and the center of corporate research.
- Chemicals (Petrochemicals, Intermediates)
- Materials (Performance Materials, Monomers)
- Industrial Solutions (Dispersions & Pigments, Performance Chemicals)
- Surface Technologies (Catalysts, Coatings, Construction Chemicals)
- Nutrition & Care (Care Chemicals, Nutrition & Health)
- Agricultural Solutions
Number of Employees
About 39,000 people are directly employed at BASF Ludwigshafen Site (BASF SE, BASF Group companies and third party companies)
Total | 1000.0 hectare |
Free | 50.0 hectare |
Infrastructure and Connectivity
Highway | yes | |
Railway | yes | |
Waterway | yes | |
Sea harbor | no |
Query the BASF productfinder
An effective logistical infrastructure complements the Verbund. Keystones are the intermodal transport terminal (300,000 units/year), the modern logistics center (100,000 tons packed chemicals, eightfold throughput per year), harbor facilities and connection by block trains to Antwerp, Rotterdam, Eastern Germany and the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, ethylene and propylene pipelines link Ludwigshafen to other key chemical complexes.
Comprehensive production Verbund: organic, inorganic and intermediate products.
Electricity, steam, natural gas, industrial gases, water
Warehouses and tank farms
Investments on this park
Investment details2024-01-01
Investment details2024-01-01
Pipeline grid availability
Companies on this park
BASF commissions 54-megawatt water electrolyzer at it's Ludwigshafen site
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen →Annual capacity of up to 8,000 metric tons of hydrogen. Key step in the ramp-up of products with a reduced carbon footprint. direct integration of the technology into a chemical production environm...
Vulcan to commence seismic surveys on geothermal heat project with BASF
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen →Vulcan Energy announced it has received the approvals to commence seismic surveys for its geothermal heat development project in the Ludwigshafen region of Germany, which the Company is undertaking...
BASF invests in new alcoholates plant in Ludwigshafen
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen →Investment in the mid-double-digit million-euro range to strengthen BASF’s position as a reliable supplier for European and global customers. Advanced production facilities to support growing life ...
BASF starts up its expanded ammonium chloride plant in Ludwigshafen
BASF SE, Ludwigshafen →Increasing capacity by 50% and improving product quality