
Infraserv Höchst Industriepark Höchst,
Building D 706
65926 Frankfurt am Main

Present at parks



Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, Infraserv Höchst operates advanced infrastructure for companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical and related process industries. Infraserv Höchst leverages its experience and capabilities in site operation, management and consulting to deliver site excellence for its customers. The company, which operates sites such as Industriepark Höchst, offers services in utilities, waste management, logistics and site services. The wholly owned subsidiaries in the Infraserv Höchst Group include Infraserv Logistics and Provadis partner for education and consulting.

Business model

Site operation, site management and site consulting are our stock-intrade. Like our customers, we have a manufacturing background – and we are based in and operate one of Europe’s largest research and production estates: Industriepark Höchst.

Infraserv Höchst provides all services from A to Z at Industriepark Höchst: from standard site services – people, environment, buildings, plants and infrastructure – to supplying electricity, natural gas, cooling, heat and water.

We know what research and manufacturing companies need – from utilities to various site services, from waste management to end-to-end logistics.

We understand the processes; we know the special needs of each industry; and we put this expertise to work at other sites and industrial parks – such as Industriepark Griesheim and Creative Campus Monheim.

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