Port of Rotterdam
Visiting address
Havenbedrijf Rotterdam World Port Center (WPC)Wilhelminakade 909
3072 AP Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Postal address
Havenbedrijf Rotterdam World Port Center (WPC)P.O. Box 6622
3002 AP Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Joris Hurenkamp
Present at parks
First CO2 storage project by Porthos is launched at Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Port of Rotterdam →In 2024 construction will begin in Rotterdam, with the Porthos system expected to be operational by 2026.
Cepsa and the Port of Rotterdam join up to create the first green hydrogen corridor between the north and south of Europe
Port of Rotterdam →Cepsa and the Port of Rotterdam are to work together to establish the first green hydrogen corridor between southern and northern Europe, ensuring a green hydrogen supply chain between two of E...
Shell first customer hydrogen pipeline Rotterdam port, The Netherlands
Port of Rotterdam →HyTransPortRTM is the hydrogen pipeline in the port of Rotterdam that Gasunie is laying in collaboration with the Port of Rotterdam
Cooperation Uniper and Port of Rotterdam Authority in production green hydrogen
Port of Rotterdam →The companies have entered into an agreement for developing the production of green hydrogen at the Uniper location on Maasvlakte.
Facts and figures energy port and petrochemical cluster Rotterdam, 8th edition, The Netherlands
Port of Rotterdam →Since its last edition in 2009, the port has seen a number of major changes. One of the key developments for us - as the port’s ‘landlord’ - would have to be the opening of Maasvlakte 2.
Uniper and Port of Rotterdam Authority start feasibility study for green hydrogen plant at Maasvlakte
Port of Rotterdam →The parties have the ambition to realise a hydrogen plant on the site of Uniper by 2025 with a capacity of 100MW and to expand this capacity to 500MW. The feasibility study will be completed this s...
Rotterdam has been one of the world’s major centers for oil and chemicals for some decades now. Its strategic location and unrivalled access to markets all over Europe have led to the establishment of a modern and diverse cluster of oil and chemical activities. The most prominent companies in the field of liquid bulk have set up operations in Rotterdam. There are 4 world-scale oil refineries, more than 40 (petro)chemical companies, 3 industrial gas producers and 13 major tank storage and distribution companies in the port area.
All of these companies are interconnected via a network of pipelines that in total covers more than 1,500 kilometers. Through this network, liquid bulk can quickly, safely and environment-friendly be moved to destinations in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands itself.
The reasons why so many companies active in this field have opted for Rotterdam are obvious. Rotterdam offers:
- unrivalled facilities in the fields of logistics and transport;
- a full range of chemical feedstock;
- a high degree of operational integration between the various chemical plants and tank storage terminals.