aicep Global Parques
Rua de Artilharia Um, 79 7°
1250-038 Lisboa
Isabel Caldeira Cardoso
Present at parks

ZILS - Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone
Sines, Setubal, PortugalTotal area: 2375.0ha
Free: 590.4ha
Repsol is expanding its chemicals complex in Sines, Portugal
ZILS - Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone →Repsol is currently building two new linear polyethylene and polypropylene plants, involving an investment of 657 million euros, which corresponds to the largest industrial investment in Portugal i...
Martifer SGPS S A : Production of green hydrogen in Sines gains status as a national strategic project in Portugal
ZILS - Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone →For the attribution of this status, all the public entities consulted expressed themselves favourably: Portuguese Environment Agency, Directorate General for Energy and Geology, Institute for Natur...
ZILS – Sines Industrial and Logistic Zone on the international communications map
ZILS - Sines Industrial and Logistics Zone →The Ellalink project, linking Latin America to Europe, sets the European entry station of the submarine cable, with over 10,000km, in the Business Center of the Industrial and Logistics Zone of Sin...
aicep Global Parques is a specialist in industrial, energy and logistic&services parks management and in business location. Its focus is to offer global solutions for enterprise location and provide procurement services for the installation of business activities, ensuring the conditions for attracting and monitoring the installation of domestic and foreign investment projects.
aicep Global Parques' values are based on continuously improving its performance, with the aim of achieving excellence as an organisation that is:
- Modern, efficient, and customer-orientated;
- Supported by the continuous development of its employees;
- Institutionally linked to public and private partners;
- Financially sustainable;
- Socially liable;
- Publicly recognised within its scope of business.
- Environmental and sustainable development oriented.