

Tarragona, Catalunya
Total area

About Chemmed Cluster Tarragona

Tarragona houses the largest chemical hub in southern Europe with an annual chemical production of 20 million tons. Port Tarragona plays a key role in the competitiveness of this hub. It is one of the deepest ports in the Mediterranean and a major logistics platform for Catalonia with a total annual through put more than 30 million tons, 20 million tons of which are petrochemicals.  

ChemMed Tarragona consists of the south and north poles, which are linked to the nearby port via road and pipeline. The main raw material –crude oil and natural gas- are all imported. Natural gas is provided via the Trans Pyrenean pipeline link Calahorra from Lacq in France, and from the Maghreb-Europe Gas pipeline from Argelia to Spain. Crude oil is provided by ship from various sources to several terminals. ChemMed Tarragona is linked to the Spanish natural gas distribution network and aims to be a key node of the future H2MED network for hydrogen. 

Number of Jobs

35.000 direct induced jobs in the cluster 

Knowledge and Research 

  • Rovira i Virgili University, declared a Campus of International Excellence, an institution with 14,000 students and 1,400 researchers 
  • Pioneering institutes in Spain in joint vocational education 
  • Catalan Chemical Research Institute (ICIQ), among the top three in the world 
  • A chemical technology centre (CTQ) undertaking R&D+i projects 
  • Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia 


Total 1200.0 hectare
Free 350.0 hectare

Free area available on South and North site of the chemical cluster

Infrastructure and Connectivity

Highway yes Direct connection to an extensive road network. The Chemical cluster is about 8 km from Tarragona-Reus Airport and 80 km of Barcelona Airport
Railway yes Rail connection to the Mediterranean Corridor, to the centre of Spain and to all Port Tarragon docks
Waterway yes
Sea harbor yes Port with one of the greatest water depths in the Mediterranean (max. 19 m) which allows to operate any petrochemical vessel. Crude Supply: Marine Terminal Repsol offers five quays for unloading ships up to 100,000 tons. In addition, the terminal has a monobuoy located 3 km. from the coast where supertankers can offload their cargoes


Many substances, too many to list, are produced within the Chemmed Cluster, these substances fall into the following categories 

  • Monomers
  • Cracking products
  • Inorganic products
  • Chlorinated products
  • Industrial gasses
  • Polymers (plastics, composits, etc.)
  • Final products
  • Specialties
  • Intermediates
  • Crop protection formulations


Fire station

3 Common Firefighter Stations


Via external Pipeline:
Natural gas
Via Ships:
Crude oil, natural gas, LPG, etc.
Via Road/ Rail:
Organic, inorganic and intermediate products

Pipeline grid

  • Common pipe rack for the cluster (Rack Dixquimics): north and south park and the port  
  • 24/7 surveillance and monitoring 
  • 71 transport lines, which can be expanded in accordance with demand 
  • The Repsol rack connects the port with the northern industrial park 


The ChemMed Cluster has 1 combined cycle power plant of 400MW and 2 ethylene crackers. 


  • Effluent Management 
  • Water recycling plant, with a capacity of 19 Hm3/year. The plant also produces demineralized water of 0.2 μs  
  • Waste management 


Repsol refinery

Capacity: 186,000 bpd

Hydrocracker capacity: 702,000 kt Ethylene


Capacity: 28,000 bpd

Dow Chemical Ethylene cracker

Capacity: 650,000 t/y Ethylene


Dry bulk

BERTSCHI intermodal dry bulk logistics

Liquid bulk

The following liquid bulk terminal companies are in ChemMed: EUROENERGO, TEPSA & VOPAK TERQUIMSA

Investments on this park

Pipeline grid availability

Companies on this park
