Today marks the opening by Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb of a new treatment unit at the Shell refinery at Pernis. By building an investment of around 500 million dollars. More than half of the work was done by Dutch companies.

In the Netherlands the factory one of the most important investments of Shell in cleaner fuels in recent years. The demand for such fuels rises dramatically in recent years. The new plant achieves a substantial increase in Shell's production to low-sulfur diesel and heating oil. Cleaner fuel that goes to motorists and truck drivers and largely to households in Germany. Shell complies with these low sulfur fuels to the increasingly stringent environmental requirements in the Netherlands and Europe.

"Shell Pernis continues thanks to the new treatment unit the largest refinery in Europe, a major player in the global market for refining and thus a major driver for the Dutch economy," said Dick Benschop, CEO Shell Netherlands. Shell Pernis employs approximately 2000 employees and a large number of employees of contractors.

Mayor Aboutaleb: "This investment will allow Shell to see confidence in the future of the refining industry in Rotterdam. That's good news for the Rotterdam region and the Netherlands. The high quality, new technology contributes to a cleaner environment and continuity in employment in the Rotterdam region. These are the ingredients that together contribute to sustainable development we have in this region so important. "

In October 2009, Shell started the construction of this highly innovative desulphurisation, HDS-6. At the end of 2011, the construction is completed and the plant gradually into use.

HDS stands for HydroDeSulphurisation, or desulfurization by means of hydrogen; '6 'indicates that it is the sixth similar plant is from Shell Pernis. The construction of the new treatment unit offered over three million man-hours work.

New factory piece of technology

The treatment unit Shell in the new plant uses is proven state of the art 'and is developed by Shell itself. Energy consumption and emissions of residues in the new factory to meet the highest environmental standards and anticipate the European requirements of 2013.

An example of technological innovation is the use of the latest coating technology - thermal sprayed aluminum - for pipelines and storage vessels where insulation around it. Thus, the risk of corrosion is significantly reduced. This is safer and also offers significant savings on maintenance and costs.

Under the influence of changing market conditions, the composition of the processed oil at Shell Pernis change in the coming years. Shell Pernis will increasingly heavy grades and high-sulfur crude oil to process. Simultaneously, the requirements of the product go up and the emission in the Netherlands and the rest of the world stricter. The HDS-6 factory is optimally equipped.

The top area for refinery

"The delivery of this new treatment unit is an extremely important milestone," says CEO Bart Foot of Shell Pernis. "It shows how important Pernis for international markets. The HDS-6 plant is an investment in quality, focusing on the longer term. It fits our vision of the Flexible Flagship. This means that we have the best refineries of the world want to belong, with an excellent, flexible operation of our international customers and an absolute priority for the safety of humans and the environment.

In other words, a flagship in our field. With the new factory, we are on course. "





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