Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG, Ismaning, is to further expand the chlorine, EDC and VCM capacities at its Knapsack plant. The commissioning of a further electrolyzer employing membrane technology raises annual chlorine capacity at this site to 310 kt. Annual capacity for EDC (direct chlorination) and VCM will, in both cases, be increased to 370 kt. The aim of these measures is to further reduce the need to buy in EDC and to support the planned measures to expand Paste-PVC production at the Burghausen plant.

Investment is also being made in the area of Suspension-PVC with the further optimisation of Vinnolit's proprietary high-performance internal cooling technology for the production of S-PVC. "In Knapsack Vinnolit will have access to a reference plant with state-of-the-art technology combining a further improved space time yield and an excellent cost position," states Managing Director Dr Josef Ertl. Investments in Burghausen and Knapsack together total some €30 million.


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