Successful start-up of new membrane electrolysis plants in Gendorf and Knapsack
The conversion of chlor-alkali-electrolysis plants of Vinnolit GmbH & Co. KG, Ismaning, at Gendorf and Knapsack sites to energy saving and environmentally friendly membrane technology has successfully been completed by the end of June 2009. The whole chlorine production for the German PVC production sites of Vinnolit is now effected by means of this modern and forward-looking technology. With this investment chlorine capacity has been increased from 390,000 to 430,000 metric tonnes per year. Additionally, this means an improved raw material supply of the connected PVC production as well as an extension and improvement of the delivery situation for the important co-product caustic soda.
"Vinnolit has expanded the production facilities for intermediate products and closed the chlorine gap in Gendorf" Managing Director Dr Ralph Ottlinger said. "With an actual chlorine capacity of 250,000 tonnes in Knapsack and 180,000 tonnes in Gendorf we possess two large state-of-the-art monomer sites with balanced capacities in all production stages. By converting to the membrane technology we also fulfil early the voluntary commitment of the European chlorine industry aiming at sustainable development.”
"This is an important milestone for the strategic development of Vinnolit", Managing Director Dr Josef Ertl informed and emphasised that "we push against the crisis with this investment and secure jobs at our sites. Furthermore, Vinnolit is making a considerable contribution to increase energy efficiency and to reduce CO2 emissions. Improved energy efficiency also helps to cushion the burden of the continuously escalating energy prices.”
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