The company Zeolyst located near the Chemie Park in Delfzijl will significantly expand its production of zeolites in Delfzijl. For this purpose, new building is being realized at the current production site. The groundbreaking ceremony before the start of this expansion took place on Wednesday, March 14th. The expansion gives up to 11 people extra work.

Zeolyst expects that it will not remain in this expansion and will actively work on further expansion plans for the near future that will increase employment at the site by about 50%.

The increasing demand for zeolites has to do with the increasing demand for various zeolites for various catalytic processes. For example, these zeolites are used for the purpose of cleaning exhaust gases in cars. This results in a significant Nox reduction. Zeolyst has been based in Delfzijl since 1990 and employs about 55 employees.

Zeolyst C.V. Is a subsidiary of Zeolyst International and delivers to customers all over the world. 

source: Groningen Seaports 2012


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