FRANKFURT - The drug manufacturer Sanofi plans for two buildings in Frankfurt. For this purpose the company expands with an investment in the Höchst Industrial Park. On the Höchst location Sanofi holds already 7340 employers.  The CEO of Sanofi Germany, Martin Siewert  announced yesterday that the company invests around 200 million euros next year. This year Sanofi invested about 160 million euros, in recent years there was an average investment amount of about 100 million euros a year. Mr. Siewert was confident about the future prospects of the plants located in Höchst.

The company is committed to medicines for diabetics, an important business in Frankfurt. On new agents Höchst will be involved in different ways: research and development in insulin production and the manufacture of insulin-pens, with which diabetics inject their liquid medicines. Consequence of this is the access to further investment. The location is strong in research and early development.

Sanofi would in the near future invest in a so-called cold warehouse for insulin and antibodies. This warehouse will run fully automated. With this new building the company will take over previously assigned outsourced logistics services, as Siewert said. "No business likes to invest in warehouses" -Yet outside the Höchst Industrial Park there is no sufficient capacity for cold storage to satisfy the requirements imposed on medicines. Secondly a new building for the medical technology will be build,  a multi-purpose building with laboratories and offices within the vicinity of the factory from the insulin-pens. The first manufacturing facility, commissioned in 2007, is bursting at the seams and will be expanded.

As Siewert further said the company has created 500 jobs. This happened in connection with the launch of the long-acting human insulin Toujeo. "We are well positioned, we will look at how this will evolve." said the CEO. Toujeo, sold in Germany since May 2015 is a national "Super Success” and achieved a significant market share. Siewert did not hide that Sanofi had promised a little more revenue for the long-acting insulin. Since its launch, the Group has gained a turnover of 66 million Euros. Previously Toujeo was positioned as one of the five high-performance lines by Sanofi.



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