Kokkola Industrial Park (KIP)
Visiting address
Kokkola Industrial ParkPL 17, Käyntiosoite: Satamatie 330
FI-67101 Kokkola
Postal address
Kokkola Industrial Park’s AssociationP.O.Box 26
FI-67101 Kokkola
Present at parks
Kokkola Industrial Park is an inorganic production site in Scandinavia. Well developed logistical connections, synergy and positive atmosphere for industry have attracted chemical industry to locate in Kokkola. As strongly developing site, new space for industrial activities has been created, and tight network of connections, infrastructure (pipelines, railways, roads..) and services easy establishing and maintaining the chemical production at the site.
Core Sectors / Industries
Intermediates, Fine chemicals, Base chemicals, Petrochemicals and other.
Kokkola Industrial Park has diverse chemical production, metallurgy and supportive activities: base chemical production, intermediates, fine chemicals, specialty chemicals, zinc metallurgy, OMG, petrochemicals (oil terminal) and several other production and activities (feed phosphates, gases, electricity, heat, services...)
KIP Infra Oy is owned by the City of Kokkola. We are involved in the Kokkola Industrial Park “Plug and Play” concept, which offers companies in the Park a ready infrastructure together with practical, all-round service provision.
Our subsidiary KIP Service is creating an operating environment and partnership network in the Park, providing commodities, services and solutions to improve the operating conditions, competitiveness and reliability of companies in the Park.
Our affiliate Kokkolan Teollisuusvesi is Finland’s largest industrial water works and provides among other things sea, surface, tap and deionised water for the use of companies in the Park.