Kem One
Present at parks
Kem One, Owned by Apollo (NYSE: APO), is a major European player in the vinyl sector, Frédéric Chalmin will continue as CEO of Kem One, reporting to the Board of Directors composed of several Apollo representatives as well as independent directors with industry expertise. Jim Voss has been appointed Chairman of the Board. More than 1,300 people located at 8 manufacturing sites - Balan (Ain), Saint -Fons (Rhône), Saint-Auban (Alpes de Haute-Provence), Berre, Fos-sur-Mer and Lavéra (Bouches du Rhône), Vauvert (Gard) and Hernani (Spain) and at the Lyon Headquarter – make, everyday, their know-how available to their company and their customers.Third European PVC producer with a turnover of more than € 900 million, KEM ONE has many key assets to strengthen its leading position in its markets.