
Sacramento, California
United States


Infinium is a company focused on developing and producing ultra-low carbon electrofuels. Founded with the goal of addressing climate change, they utilize a unique approach that directly tackles a growing concern within the chemical industry: carbon capture and utilization (CCU).

Infinium's technology is based on a two-pronged approach:

  1. Renewable Hydrogen Production: They use renewable electricity to split water molecules through electrolysis, generating green hydrogen, a clean-burning fuel.
  2. Carbon Capture and Conversion: Captured carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, is then combined with the green hydrogen through a series of chemical reactions. This process transforms the CO2 into usable electrofuels.

Key Advantages

  • Closed-Loop System: Infinium's approach creates a closed-loop system for carbon. By capturing and reusing CO2, they effectively remove it from the atmosphere, mitigating its environmental impact.
  • Compatibility with Existing Infrastructure: The resulting electrofuels are designed to be compatible with existing fuel infrastructure, allowing for a smoother transition away from fossil fuels.
  • Partnership Focus: Infinium actively collaborates with renewable energy producers and companies seeking solutions for carbon waste management.