ChemCom Industries
ChemCom Industries B.V.
Haven 3353, Oosterhorn 10
NL-9930 AC Delfzijl
The Netherlands
Haven 3353, Oosterhorn 10
NL-9930 AC Delfzijl
The Netherlands
Present at parks
ChemCom Industries invests in a new production facility for high performance fertilizers at Delfzijl, The Netherlands
Chemical Cluster Delfzijl →ChemCom Industries B.V., invests €4.2m in a new production facility for the production of a raw material for high performance fertilizers.
ChemCom stands for Chemical Competence. ChemCom Industries' vision is to transform the existing company into a company with a broader, more sustainable and greener pallet of products and services.
For the market this means
- Continuing and expanding current business operations;
- Developing new products and services using existing knowledge and infrastructure;
- Develop a new portfolio of innovative, more sustainable and green products by forming strategic alliances;
- Integration in, and cooperation with, the local industry in Delfzijl;
- Cost price leadership.
current product range
Methanol. Formaldehyde, Resins, Superplasticizers, Slow Release Fertilizers, Steam.