Am Haupttor, Bau 3097
06237 Leuna
Present at parks
Aurora Deutschland GmbH (part of Aurora cannabis inc) is one of the largest authorized distributors of medical cannabis as well as an authorized anesthetic trading company with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. Furthermore, Aurora ist a GMP-approved importer for pharmaceuticals whilst having a pharmaceutical manufacturing license itself. Aurora Deutschland GmbH is part of Aurora Europe GmbH, which is a subsidiary of Aurora Cannabis Inc. with headquarters in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
The production in Leuna, Germany is under control of Aurora Produktions GmbH.
Aurora is one out of three companies that are approved to produce medical cannabis in Germany. Since 2020, Aurora is a supporting member of the "Verband der Cannabis versorgenden Apotheken e. V.", a federation which focuses on the distribution of medical cannabis via pharmacies. In June 2021, Aurora joined the "Bundesverband pharmazeutischer Cannabinoidunternehmen e. V., a federal association for pharmaceutical companies producing cannabinoids.
Further information can be found via www.auroramedicine.com/de and www.linkedin.com/company/auroradeutschland.